Trainer – Anni & Gašper
Anni Skoglund (Sweden) and Gašper Hrovat (Slovenia) is an inspiring dance couple. Their style is playful, passionate and smooth. They share the love for the dance as their form of communication through rhythm, melody and harmony. To them it is the awareness of one another that make the couple dance so magic.
From a young age both of them danced several styles before getting into authentic jazz dances. Anni’s background lays in Swedish folk-dance, waltz and fox-trot, meanwhile Gašper’s in popular 90’s Street dances. Eventually swing dance came across and met them in Herräng Dance Camp.
Now – performing, teaching and lecturing about swing dances, at home and abroad, has seen them as evolve into a couple that has won competitions with their vibrant style and superfast feet. But above all, social dance is their thing.
Band – Hot Brew

Four musicians from Vienna, Prague, and Berlin connected by their love for good old-fashioned swing music, the music you know and love from Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Chick Webb and many more. This unusual setting without drums and with accordian brings a fresh new take on small band authentic swing. With their joyful energy and style, you won’t be able to keep your feet still.
At a concert at the Hep Cat Club in July Hot Brew also showed that they are playing incredibly good Slow Music!
DJ Betina

Betina hörte bereits leidenschaftlich gerne Jazz bevor sie 2009 mit dem Lindy Hop und folgend weiteren Swingtänzen in Berührung kam. Durch ihre Begeisterung für das gemeinsame Erlebnis der Musik im Paar unterrichtet sie gerne closed position dances wie Balboa und Slow Bal in ihrem Sunny Side Swing Studio in Darmstadt. Zu ihrem DJ-Repertoir gehören Stücke mit viel Energie für Footwork-Spielereien genauso wie solche zum gefühlvollen Schwelgen.
- Early Bird until 17. January 2024
- 59 Euro for Slow Balboa Basics – 2,5 hours of classes. Free Entrance for Friday Party. Regular Price from January 18th: 65 Euro
- 179 Euro for Continuation Class on Saturday & Sunday and Saturday Party – Free Entrance to Friday Party – 8h hours of classes (4 h on Saturday, 4h on Sunday) with breaks. In the interest of all participants, only attendance of the entire weekend (Saturday & Sunday) in this level is possible (no individual days). Regular Price from January 18th: 189 Euro
- Pay what you can for Friday Welcome Party – there will be a Donations Box at the Entry. Free Entrance for all Workshop Participants.
- 25 Euro for the Balboa Party with Hot Brew (Live) on Saturday Evening. Saturday party is included for workshop participants of Continuation Class.
Level Description
Friday: Basic Class / Fundamentals Of Slowbal
- No absolute swing dance beginners
- You should have solid basics and experience (classes, workshops and social dancing) in other swing dances like Balboa, Lindy Hop, Blues, West Coast Swing,…
- You are familiar with the concept of Lead & Follow and are open to change partners in the class
- Mind that this is a couple dance in close position. We strongly recommend you to avoid all kind of strong perfumes and sport deodorant on your body and hair. Be a pleasant partner to dance with and bring an extra t-shirt to change for a sweaty one.
- Having shoes with leather or suede underneath soles will help you to pivot and glide though the floor easily. Be kind to your joints and avoid shoes with rubber soles that create frictions with a floor.
Saturday & Sunday: Continuation Class
- You already have experience in dancing Slow Balboa, also in 6 count variation or
- Have at least attended the Friday Basics Workshop and fulfill the requirements for the Basics Workshop
Dynamics & Flow (topic for Saturday)
Creativity & Styling (topic for Sunday)
- There are limited spots at the Slow Balboa Weekend
- Individual registrations are possible, the partners will then be assigned by us in the order of registrations.
Registration opens October 11th!
Early bird until January 17th, 2024.
You can register for the Slow Balboa Weekend directly here, click on “Weitere Infos und Anmeldung” meaning “More info and registration” >> in the registration area below. Unfortunately this registration system is in German language. Please contact us at [email protected], if you have any questions or problems. Please also write your dance role in the comments, if you want to dance as female leader or male follower. Both is possible, of course. And we are working on a less old school registration system.
19.00 – 20.15 Basics – Fundamentals of Slow Balboa
20.15 – 20.30 Short Break
20.30 – 21.45 Basics – Fundamentals of Slow Balboa
21.30 – 24.00 Welcome Party at the Bar
11.00-13.30 Slow Balboa – Continuation Class / Dynamics & Flow
13.30-15.00 Break
15.00-16.30 Slow Balboa – Continuation Class / Dynamics & Flow
21.00-01.00 Balboa Party (Slow & Fast) with Hot Brew (live) on Saturday evening!
11.00-13.30 Slow Balboa – Continuation Class / Creativity & Styling
13.30-15.00 Break
15.00-16.30 Slow Balboa – Continuation Class / Creativity & Styling
Registration Slow Balboa Weekend
Single Registrations will be put on the waiting list automatically. You will get a confirmation if we can offer you a ticket. Please put your preferred role into the comments.
Leider bieten wir aktuell keine entsprechenden Kurse an.
Dance with us!
On Friday and Saturday Evening, all Balboa fans have the opportunity to dance with us at our Balboa Partys. On Saturday we will have live music by Hot Brew from Prague. Stay tuned for more info